
Austin Zine Friends is rolling out a pilot program putting mini-libraries – little binders full of zines created by local folks – in various area hangouts. The idea is to gain exposure for local zine makers and turn folks onto the magic of zines!

Binder contents will differ, but you can find information about the zines in each binder below. Links to creator websites are coming. (A full catalog is forthcoming, as well, assuming the pilot succeeds and we move forward with the project.) You can provide feedback about the effort here.

The first mini-library binder full of locally-created zines was installed in a special nook inside the Little [Free Banned Books] Library at The Cavalier at 2400 Webberville in East Austin on the evening of May 17th, 2024 and is available for YOU to peruse! (That’s 2/3 of the AZF board, Christopher, Jennifer, and Erin, at The Cav above.)

Stay tuned to find out about the next venues and get in touch if you’d like to volunteer to steward a binder at your favorite hang, or if you want to donate zines for the libraries!

Binder #1 at The Cavalier at 2400 Webberville

1 – a tiny zine for tiny people by Mathew Zuniga
2 – The Male Equivalent of the Victorian Ankle by Isabel Jaimes
3 – Psychopomp Issue II: Fecalnomicon by Rusty Grindstaff
4 – Ratón by Logan Beecher
5 – Let’s Talk Mañana by @SpanglishHang
6 – Pocket Letterbox’d 2023 by Abby Garcia
7 – How to be friends with purple martins by Sharon Tan
8 – “Cookies Out” A Collection of Cookie Poems for Adults by Computer News
9 – A Traveller in the City by Dylan Franks
10 – after thought by Christine Vo
11 – SIRCULAR No. 1 by Martha Morales
12 – Portal Logic ((Chapter 1)) by Morgan Gage
13 – Greater Oblivion (Issue: 006 Pain.Reflection) by Zach Cavender
14 – Snake Potter by Adam W. George
15 – Oh Magicom! Vol. 1 by Post Elvis
16 – ATX Dungeoneer Society Level 1
17 – Subsist on Daydreams by Nathan Dinh
18 – Photodump-Jan 2024 by Kshitiz KC
19 – Pie Zine by Aiden Rodriguez
20 – Furry Lewis by Jennifer LaSuprema
21 – Noktpapilio by Connie Davey
22 – LOVEFOOL: episode 1 by Chelsea Akpan
23 – Comix Jam 2/3/24
24 – Lone Star Zine Fest Compzine (2021)
25 – An Introduction to Copyright for DIY Makers by Spencer Keralis